Unintuitive Tips for Engineering Internships
April 06, 2021 | 1083 words | 6 min readThere's a lot of advice on how to land an internship, but not enough advice on how to perform well on the job itself.
These are my favorite posts. The rest of them live in /archive
There's a lot of advice on how to land an internship, but not enough advice on how to perform well on the job itself.
Thoughts on misinformation, probably the largest (and most unprecedented) issue we're facing right now.
What Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance has to say about living a happy life. Everyone's climbing a mountain, but there are good ways to climb and bad ways to climb.
200+ rejections, 50+ interviews, and just a few job offers. Some things are just a waste of time.
L.F. Baum's Wizard of Oz has something to teach us about rapid prototyping.
Why mydesktour.com was a dumb idea and how you can learn from my mistakes.
I’m 21 as of 3 weeks ago. I’ve been thinking a lot about how I’ve spent a huge chunk of my life (especially during my late teens) worrying…
I’ve been having a series of what I would call “quarter-life crises” these past few months. It’s felt pretty shitty. And this is only after…
Naive attempt to achieve traditional stock market alpha from sentiment analysis performed on news articles, using techniques including a TensorFlow neural net, a custom subjectivity lexicon, and NLTK.